
你对什么感兴趣?? What captivates you so much that you would want to spend the rest of your life doing this special interest? 职业生涯 interest inventories are testing instruments designed to help students learn more about themselves, as well as identify careers that would be a good fit based on their 利益. The results of the assessments guide students in discovering more about themselves, 以及最适合他们的职业. Inventories help students understand their career possibilities so they can make well-informed decisions about their future. 职业生涯 inventories are a “bridge that brings concepts into exploration.

职业生涯 inventories provide vital information needed for the career planning process, and they aid in assisting students in eliminating career choices that are not the best fit. 职业生涯 inventories afford students an opportunity to further explore career pathways based on interest, 值, 技能组合.


职业生涯 inventories provide educators with vital information needed to accurately assist students in their career planning process. Inventories are used to help students learn more about their 利益, 值, and skills. Inventory instruments are used to help students understand their career needs, and possibilities so that they can make well-informed decisions about their future. There are several types of inventories educators can utilize to assist students, 下面是一些你可以探索的.

Personality inventories are self-assessment tools that counselors and other educators can use to identify students’ unique social traits, 确定关键优势, 以及个人的工作和沟通方式, all while providing valuable insight to the student taking the assessment. Identifying these factors or qualities early on aids in selecting a career that will lead to career success and satisfaction. 学生 can use what they’ve learned about themselves to select careers most aligned with their personality. Below are a few personality inventories educators can utilize to aid in identifying students thoughts, 利益, 感情, 以及确定最适合自己的职业的行为.

迈尔斯 & 布里格斯(MBTI)

迈尔斯 & 布里格斯, a well-known personality inventory is designed to identify a person’s personality type, 的优势, 和perferences. It was developed by Katharine 布里格斯 and Isabel 布里格斯 迈尔斯 based on Carl Jung’s theory of personality type. MBTI looks at the 16 personality factors that are believed to make up a person's personality type. Based on students' responses from the assessment, students identify one of the 16 personality types. 迈尔斯的目标 & 布里格斯 Personality Type Indicator is to allow students to further explore and understand their own personalities including 的优势, 弱点, 喜欢, 不喜欢, 可能的职业偏好, 以及与其他人的兼容性.


True Colors is an inventory students can use to gain a better understanding of themselves. 由Don Lowry开发, the True Color Personality test was created to categorize an individual's basic learning styles. 库存使用颜色:橙色, 黄金, blue and green to represent four different personality types.The four colors combined, in different ways, make up a student’s personality spectrum. It is important for students to identify their personality traits because it provides insight as to how students will engage, 交互, 并在工作场所与他人沟通.


The 荷兰的代码 personality inventory is used to group students' personalities with occupations. 由Dr创建. 约翰•霍兰德, Holland contends that career 利益 are an expression of an individual’s personality. The 荷兰的代码 theory believes that people can be described as a combination of three or more of the six main personality types or possess a dominant trait: Realistic, 调查, 艺术, 社会, 有事业心的, 和传统. Identifying a student’s personality trait can assist students with finding careers most compatible based on their personality. Identifying one’s 荷兰的代码 is useful for students because it engages career exploration, 信息收集.

工作价值观量表 elicit the following questions: What are your 值? What matters most to you, and what things are least important? 你的价值观如何与你的职业目标相契合? Work 值 inventories help students identify and describe underlying 值 that may shape and influence their decision making. 熟悉自己的身份, 信仰, 值, and behaviors are critical when exploring careers that align with their core 值. Work value inventories helps educators assist students with learning more about themselves in order to begin their career readiness journey.

学生 have specific things they do well and that are important to them. 学习自己喜欢的东西, 他们所擅长的, 识别特定技能, 利益, and what they value most are the steps needed for students to make sound decisions about careers. 学习自己喜欢的东西, 他们所擅长的, and what they value most in a work environment is critical in career exploration.

类似于技能清单, aptitude inventories are used to determine students skills or abilities. It assesses how students perform in areas with no prior training or knowledge. Aptitude tests do not test for knowledge and inventories are designed to give students insight as to what kinds of careers are best suited or most fulfilling to them based on the results.


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