Kent 过渡 Agency Network (Kent TAN)

The Kent 过渡 Agency Network (Kent TAN) is comprised of a group of individuals, including school staff and administrators, 社区合作伙伴, 和父母, who work with and/or are responsible for the transition needs of students with disabilities. Kent TAN meets quarterly to discuss the most current transition topics, share school and community resources, and collaborate and network among each other.

The purpose of this collaborative group is to share and gain resources and information that will help in better preparing young people with disabilities for the transition from school to adulthood.

2019-20 Kent TAN Meeting Schedule


October 1, 2019 – 社区 Participation Focus –  分钟

December 10, 2019 – Case Studies –  分钟

February 25, 2020 – Case Studies –  分钟

May 5, 2020 – TBA –  分钟


If you would like to be added to the Kent TAN Listserv, please contact 比尔贝伦特, uedbet官网ISD Supervisor of 过渡 and Integrated Supports. 



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